The School Day

Learning Time

When you arrive at school, you must take your child straight to their classroom door via the front or back playground. Please make sure your child has everything they need for the day e.g. packed lunch, swimming kit, PE kit, water bottle etc.

A typical week at school is 32.5 hours, Monday - Friday.

School gates open from 08:30am and classroom doors open at 08:40am
The register is taken at 08:50am

If you arrive to school with your child after 08:50, your child will be late for registration and the gates will be closed. You will have to report to the school office to sign in.

The school gates open for pick-up at 3:10pm and the school day finishes at 3:15pm

You must collect your child on time everyday. Your child must be collected by a parent/carer or other responsible adult. To find out further details about collection your child from school, you can read our policy here.

We hold many different clubs at school; both before and after school. The clubs have different finish times, so please ensure you check with your class teacher. You can find more information about our school clubs here or by calling the school office.


Morning Session (08:30am - 11:30am)

You should drop your child at school using any gate at 08:30am

You should collect your child at 11:20 - 11:30am using the gates on Barlow Road

Afternoon Session (12:15pm - 3:15pm)

You should drop your child at 12:15 - 12:30pm using the front gate next to Chapel Street Park

You should collect your child from school using any gate at 3:15pm

Full Time Sessions (08:30am - 3:15pm)

You should drop your child at school using any gate at 08:30am

You should collect your child from school using any gate at 3:15pm

Parents/carers will not be given access to inside the school grounds outside the times stated above.


Attendance is one of our highest priorities at Chapel Street. You can view our Attendance Policy and Collection from School Policy on our Policies page here.

Children who have poor attendance and punctuality find it much harder to learn to read. This greatly affects their academic performance and results. We are encouraging all our families to work with us to try and improve your child’s attendance and punctuality at school.

During the academic year (September - July), school attendance is compulsory. If your child does not attend school during term time, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. If this happens on multiple occasions, this could result in a fine from the Local Authority.

If your child is poorly or absent from school for a medical reason, you must telephone the school office on 0161 224 1269 or email as soon as possible (preferably by 9am), so we are able to record the reason for your child's absence. Failure to notify the school will result in our Attendance Officer making contact with the child's parent/carer.

If your child is not attending school for any other reason, you will need to ring the school office before 9am.


School Gateway is the UK’s best parent engagement software, to make sure our parents are as closely involved with their children’s school lives as possible. 

All school related attendance monitoring and communication will go through School Gateway – it is the central hub of information for our parents. Most of our communication will be sent via email or app notifications.

The email from school will look like this: (add us to your contacts or safe senders list!)

To stay up to date with what’s going on at school make sure you download the app for FREE. Just search School Gateway in your App store and download!

Apple iPhone users, download the app here:

Android phone users, download the app here:

Your login details will be automatically generated using the contact information Chapel Street already has, so please make sure the details we hold for you are up to date. You can check and change these details by sending an email to

If you have any questions or would like some more information, please see the School Gateway site here:

PLEASE NOTE: All payments will still be processed through ParentPay. It is essential you still use ParentPay for your school finances. To find out more, please visit our ParentPay page here.

We have created a simple user guide to help you get set up, please click the link below for our step-by-step guide:

School Gateway - How to sign up

If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone from the school office about setting up your School Gateway app, please email/call us or come to the school office and we will be happy to help.

As of Monday 8th March 2021, most of our children and staff returned to school.

Should there be a need to revert to home (remote) learning again, the provision will continue to be blended, with paper based activities and online support through Class Dojo. Please visit our Remote Learning website page here.

The following links also provide useful information for our parents/carers:

Class Dojo

Online Safety

You can also find out more about keeping your child safe online here.

*We are a nut free school*

Mellors are our school catering team. They will be providing healthy and nutritious meals for those children who have school dinners. You can find out more by visiting their website here.

Your child can have either a school dinner or bring a packed lunch from home. It is VERY important that school know if your child has any allergies or requires a special diet. Please always give us detailed information of any changes to your child's dietary or medical needs.

If your child has an allergy or dietary requirement, please complete our Allergen Pack below:

Allergen Pack

More information about school meals & packed lunches can be found on this page of our website: School Meals


Walking Home Alone

All children must be accompanied by a parent/carer both to and from school. If your child is in year 5 or 6, they can walk home alone but parents/carers MUST provide the school office with signed written permission. 

The NSPCC provide a guide and further information on their website for children when they're "Home or Out Alone".

This is a great tool to use for the whole family to talk about this together and make sure your children are as safe as can be at all times. We recommend you visit their website here.



We are a cashless school; meaning we do not accept cash payments for anything.

You will pay for school meals / milk / book bags / school trips and much more via your ParentPay account.

To find out more, please visit our ParentPay page on our website here.
