Forest School

We are so lucky to have our very own Forest School on the premises!

Mrs Schofield is our Forest School teacher.

What is Forest School?

Forest School is outdoor, nature-based learning that focuses on the holistic development of the child.

Who goes to Forest School?

We wish that all of our Chapel Street children could attend Forest School every week, but unfortunately we do not have space in the timetable for everyone to have a session every week. All of the children in the Nursery and Reception classes attend Forest School throughout the school year. For the other year groups, children are chosen by the class teachers because they want them to develop particular skills, such as confidence or team-building.

How are the sessions organised?

Children work in groups of 15 and attend one 90-minute session per week. Mrs Schofield leads the sessions and she is supported by another member of staff. Most children will attend approximately 12 sessions of Forest School.

What are the benefits of Forest School?

Forest School helps children develop many skills that are harder to teach in the classroom. For example, it is very physical, which provides children with the opportunity to develop gross and fine motor skills.

Children also learn to assess and take risks, making sensible decisions about how to tackle the activities and experiences that they encounter. Learning to be self-sufficient boosts their confidence and self-esteem. Through Forest School activities, children develop the resilience to keep trying.

Everyone benefits from being outdoors! Research has shown that being outside improves mental health, communication skills and social relationships.

What activities will children do in Forest School?

As so much of the learning is child-directed, the scope of activities that can take place is enormous!

Activities include:

  • Den building
  • Minibeast hunts
  • Tree climbing
  • Campfire cooking
  • Nature art
  • Games like hide and seek
  • Fire building and lighting
  • Puddle and mud jumping

What do children need to wear?

Mrs Schofield will let you know what you need to send to school with your child on their Forest School day. Please don’t worry – we can support with finding suitable items of clothing if this is difficult.
