Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Your children will be taught this year by Miss Henry (2A), Mr Long (2B) and Miss Livesey (2C). We also have a range of talented Teaching Assistants supporting the children.


Year 2 is a busy and exciting year, which will provide the children with a range of engaging and stimulating learning opportunities to explore all areas of the curriculum. They will build on skills and learning in Year 1 and be given regular challenges to move their thinking on. Your children will be encouraged to become more independent in their learning and take ownership of it. We continually encourage children to evaluate their own successes and support them with their next steps. We strive to ensure that each child can reach their potential and develop an enjoyment for learning.

We will be teaching a range of exciting topics this half term, which will largely incorporate our History, Geography and Science objectives. The children will also take part in Music, Art and RE on a weekly basis which will mainly have links with our Topic learning. Our educational trips will enhance the children’s learning and bring it to life; we are hoping to start educational trips as soon as it is safe to do so.

There will a strong focus on phonics this year as this is key for children to be able to read fluently. There will be phonics booster sessions in school and after school.

If you would like further information about phonics you can look at these websites:

Physical Education also forms a large part of our curriculum, and children will partake in an Indoor and Outdoor PE session every week.  PE will be on Monday and Tuesday for the whole year group. Monday is indoor and Tuesday is outdoor. Children will need to come to school in PE clothes on BOTH days.

Our English sessions are largely text-based, where children are encouraged to use good examples from real stories and texts. The texts will have links with our Topic learning. We use the texts to provide the children with examples of good sentence structures and vocabulary. In writing, we focus largely on good use of spelling, punctuation and grammar, whilst also encouraging extra detail through the use of adjectives and adverbials of time. Handwriting is also extremely important and we do encourage the children to use joined handwriting early on in the year. In Reading, children will consolidate the phonics sounds learnt in Year 1, with a greater emphasis now on developing comprehension skills.

The focus in Maths for Year 2 will be on mental arithmetic and developing problem solving skills and strategies. The children’s learning will be extended and challenged with new methods of calculation and problems to apply them within. We are looking for children to be successful in explaining their reasoning when approaching problems in maths. In Year 2 the children will learn their times tables using games, songs and Times Table Rockstars. They are encouraged to know the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of the year.

We highly value the work that you do at home and our home-school partnership is very important to us. We are always happy to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have. We look forward to sharing your child’s successes with you.
