Early Years - Nursery & Reception


A communication friendly setting where children are challenged through play to thrive.

Our curriculum is a play based, active curriculum using the Statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.  The Early Years Foundation Stage is the framework provided for children aged 0-5.  It is broken down into seven areas of learning.

The prime areas of learning are;

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

The specific arears of learning are;

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Your children will be warmly welcomed into a communication friendly setting, where a consistent approach supports the development of communication and language skills.  Our setting is vocabulary rich with planned opportunities and interactions to develop and enhance language.  We use a variety of texts to celebrate diversity and promote excellence.  Developing independence is demonstrated through encouragement of children’s self-care and the provision of resources to enable children to make choices and respect equipment. 

We understand child development and ensure there is a planned progression of skills within play.   Across our Nursery and Reception classes, we combine well planned play opportunities and group sessions.  Interactions between skilled practitioners and children develop communication and language skills, whilst promoting exploration and critical thinking.

Alongside this, we have a clear pathway for writing development, understanding the need for core strength, gross and fine motor development and making marks for a reason.  We love to share our passion for learning and play with parents and host regular parent workshops and share our knowledge on Class Dojo.  Above all else, we understand the importance of a healthy child, body and mind, this underpins our approach to active learning, well-being, physical opportunities, co and self-regulation and risk taking.  Children are encouraged to demonstrate critical thinking and to understand the power of their voice.

To view our Early Years Curriculum Long Term Plan and further information about what your child will be learning and experiencing from the moment they start their Chapel Street journey, please see our EYFS Curriculum page here.

We follow the Little Wandle phonics programme click here to find out more.

Want to know more?

Click on the class pages below or book a tour of the school by calling us on 0161 224 1269 or email admin@chapelstreet.manchester.sch.uk

For information about our Early Years admissions, please visit our school admissions page here.

Below are a selection of "Help at Home" posters. These should give you an idea of what activities you can do at home that will further support your child in their learning, whilst they are in Nursery & Reception.

Communication & Language







