Our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum enables our learners to become healthy, independent and responsible global citizens. Learners will develop their understanding of themselves, each other and the diverse modern society they are growing up in. Learners are empowered to understand their rights and be up-standers for the rights of others. As a school family, our school’s culture of respect and understanding is underpinned by this curriculum. At Chapel Street Community Primary school, we celebrate different families and same love.

Our Aims
  • To encourage learners to be positive and responsible role models to each other and our community
  • To ensure learners are empowered to share their voice and value the voice of others
  • To develop learners’ knowledge, skills and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives both now and in the future
  • To teach learners to make informed choices regarding personal and social issues
  • To promote respect for each other and the differences between people
  • To support learners in understanding how they are developing personally, physically and socially, and how to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.


Please click on the links below to view the Manchester Healthy Schools videos for Parents/Carers:

What is RSE?

FAQ's for Parents/Carers

The links below open documents detailing the curriculum overview for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 and our RSE Policy:

Relationships & Health Education Policy (RSE Policy)

PSHE Curriculum Overview

PSHE Policy
