Quality First Teaching

At Chapel Street we want all of our children to reach their full potential. One of the ways we do this in ensuring that all our children are given Quality First Teaching. This means that our teachers employ methods and strategies to help all children to overcome any barriers to their learning.

Some of the ways we do this are:

  • all our classrooms are organised and resources are well labelled;
  • all lessons have a clear structure and children are made aware of their learning objective at the start of the lesson;
  • all lessons are differentiated to ensure that children are learning at their appropriate ability level;
  • instructions are given in small chunks and supported by visual clues;
  • any new vocabulary is introduced with the aid of visuals;
  • children are asked to demonstrate what they have learnt in a variety of ways, e.g. drama, mind-mapping, drawing, ICT recording;
  • children work in mixed groups, pairs and individually;
  • children are taught different ways to remember important information – highlighting, 5 step planning, mnemonics etc;
  • children’s effort and achievement in their work is celebrated using ‘Class Dojo’ and ‘Star of the Week’ awards;
  • learning is re-visited throughout the year in order to ensure that children are able to consolidate their learning;
  • teachers ensure that learning is fun and that children are excited about what they are doing;
  • staff are trained in all areas of SEN to ensure they are using the appropriate techniques and resources to support any children with Special Educational Needs;
  • staff track each child’s progress to ensure that they are able to reach their full potential;
  • staff meet regularly with parent and carers to discuss their children’s progress.