Online Safety

Keeping your children safe online

As a school, we have established clear roles, responsibilities, and strategies to ensure the effectiveness of our filtering and monitoring systems when it comes to the use of technology. Our DSL, School Business Manager, and IT provider - Foresight - review these systems annually. Although we use Smoothwall to monitor all our devices, we understand that no system is 100% effective. To ensure that our pupils' safety is maintained, we conduct regular training for our staff on supervising children using devices and integrate online safety into our PSHE curriculum and safeguarding policies.

Online Safety Information for Parents

We send home lots of useful Online Safety Newsletters with advice, hints and tips to help our children and families stay safe online. You can take a look at these on our Safeguarding Newsletters page here.

The above web link includes advice for parents on online safety, for example protecting children when they use online games, instructions on how to make internet connected toys and devices safe for your child, setting parental controls and a guide to the latest social apps, networks and games.

You can get free support on the phone by calling the NSPCC Online Safety Helpline for parents on 0808 800 5002

The following websites also have support and advice for parents, families and children:

To access home activity packs from "Thinkuknow" (the online safety education programme from the National Crime Agency):

Online Safety at Home; Thinkuknow Activity Sheet for 4-5 year olds

To report harmful content:

To report online abuse:

Information about social networks, apps and games:

Advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online:

Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online:

Advice for parents working from home or supporting children with home learning:

Information on video conferencing technology for children:

If you are a professional you can access further support from the UK Safer Internet Centre Online Safety Helpline: Child exploitation & Online Protection – to build knowledge of how to stay safe online. This website has lots of fun activities from which children can gain vital information on staying safe.
