School Clubs

Breakfast Club

Doors open for our breakfast club at 7:45am. All children will go to breakfast club via the main school office.

If you need wrap around care or your would like your child to join us for breakfast, you will need to complete the registration form which can be found linked below, alternatively you can collect a paper copy of the form from the school office. 

Breakfast Club Registration Form

Children must arrive before 8:00am to ensure they have a suitable amount of time to eat their breakfast before heading to their classrooms at 8:40am. The cost is £1 per day which must be paid in advance online via Parent Pay.

If you are in receipt of benefits and your child is eligible to receive free school meals, breakfast club will be free of charge.

After School Club

After school provision is run by an outside organisation called The Nest Childcare. The setting is held off-site at St. Andrew's C of E Primary School on Broom Lane.

For further information, and to register for a place, please click on the link below;

Register for After School Provision

There are a limited number of places available, so we recommend to contact them as soon as your child starts school if you're in need of wrap around care.

Phonics Clubs

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:15 - 3:50pm.


Sports Clubs

All sports clubs finish at 4:15pm.

Monday - Y6 Football

Tuesday - Y5 Football

Wednesday - Y5/6 Tag Rugby

Thursday - Y5/6 Multi-sports

