
Tours of the School

We would like to warmly welcome you and your child to our Chapel Street family.
We hold regular open days for our EYFS setting and we also offer ad hoc tours to families who are considering applying for a place at our school.

We believe it is very important for families to be able to come and see the setting, get a feel for the school and meet the staff. We practice a relational approach here at Chapel Street and welcome families to engage and help us influence this across the school and in everyday practice.

To book a tour of the school, please call us on 0161 224 1269 or email

Our school Admissions Officer is Miss J Buc.

Admissions Process - what do parents need to know?

There are 3 stages of the admission process:

  • Admission into our Nursery in September (or January, if there are places available)
  • Admission into our Reception in September
  • In-year admission - admission throughout the year into any year group for children who have moved into the area or are new to the UK


Nursery Admissions

Nursery admissions are managed by Chapel Street and we offer places in line with our Early Years Admissions Policy, which can be viewed here.

Our Nursery is available for children who are 3 years old. Your child will start our nursery the term following their 3rd birthday (if your child turns 3 between 1st September - 31st December, they can start our Nursery in January. If your child turns 3 between 1st January - 31st August, they can start our Nursery in September).

We offer three different sessions in our Nursery:

Morning 08:30am - 11:30am

Afternoon 12:15pm - 3:15pm

Full Time 08:30am - 3:15pm

We offer 15 hours FREE childcare to any family that wishes to apply to our Nursery. We also offer a limited number of 30 hours (full time) places.

Every child is entitled to 15 hours FREE childcare, but are you eligible to receive 30 hours? You can check the eligibility criteria and apply for this here. If you've applied and are aware you're not eligible, we do offer full time places for children whose parents/carers who wish to pay a top up fee for the additional 15 hours childcare. Please speak with the school office for more information.

If your child is under 3, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible to put your child's name on our waiting list for future year admissions. You should complete our Nursery Waiting List Form below and return it to us in person, via post or via email.

Nursery Waiting List Form


Reception Admissions

Reception admissions are managed by Manchester City Council. You must submit an application to the local authority to apply for your child's Reception place. Please click here for more information.


If your child attends our Nursery, you still have to complete an application form and return it to the local authority.


In-year Admissions - applications for a school place in any year group

If you are hoping for your child to join our school because you've moved to the area, your child is new to the UK or you simply want them to join our Chapel Street family, you can apply for a school place by completing the below form and returning it to the local authority:

Combined School Application Form - Local Authority

Section A, B and C must be completed by the parent/carer. Section D can be completed by your child's current school, although this is not mandatory (if your child is new to the UK, please leave section D blank)

Once the local authority receive your application form, your child will be added to our waiting list. Our waiting list is managed, monitored and selected by the School Admission Team at Manchester City Council.


Admission Appeals

You will not be able to appeal for your child's Nursery place.

For Reception - Year 6 admissions, if our school receives more applications than places, the local authority uses its admission rules to decide who gets a place. You can find more information about the Council's admission rules here.

For more information about school admissions, please visit Manchester City Council's website here or call our school office and we will be happy to help you or signpost you to the right place.
