
At Chapel Street, we believe that English is integral to all aspects of school life.  It is our intention when teaching the English curriculum that our pupils acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to become lifelong learners and linguists. We strive to ensure that all our pupils receive a well-rounded learning experience when reading, writing, speaking and listening, which will equip them with the fundamental tools to achieve, throughout their learning journey at Chapel Street Community Primary School.

We teach English, including phonics, reading and grammar every day so that the children can fully immerse themselves and have opportunities to reflect and build on prior learning.  Children follow a process which starts with Speaking and Listening and brings together the different strands of English in a meaningful, contextualised way.

The study of English develops children’s ability to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes, including the communication of their ideas, views and feelings.  Our bespoke English curriculum places value on the key skills of Oracy as children are encouraged to respond to texts and develop the ability to articulate their ideas.  Vocabulary is vital and the children learn that words are not only the building blocks of the sentences we craft, but a tool to express our ideas and emotions.

As part of our bespoke English curriculum, high-quality texts are carefully chosen for their literary merit to challenge and enchant the children, to thrill or to make them question. We believe passionately that children learn best when their learning has a context and are ‘hooked-in’. These include texts available in all classrooms to inspire our curriculum and supporting our writing, develop deeper understanding of poetry and appreciate National Heritage. You can see our full Reading Spine below:

Reading Spine

At Chapel Street, our vision is that every child becomes a successful, motivated reader with the vital skills they need to decode and comprehend, regardless of their starting point.  We value reading across the whole curriculum with high-quality, increasingly complex texts connecting ideas and relating topics.  We aim to provide all pupils with the fundamental skills to access texts across the entire curriculum as well as opening up new worlds for children and giving them the opportunity to explore new ideas, visit new places, meet new characters and develop a better understanding of other cultures.

  • Reading forms the backbone of our learning, with a wide range of high quality texts woven throughout every area of the curriculum, underpinning and enhancing teaching in every subject.
  • Our curriculum has a strong emphasis on learning and acquiring new vocabulary to allow children to understand what they have read and to express themselves more effectively.
  • Texts are chosen carefully with this in mind so that children are exposed to a rich and wide vocabulary, as well as a variety of genres, topics and diverse characters.
  • It is our intention to immerse pupils in the wonders of increasingly complex, diverse texts to instil a love for reading, a passion for discovery and a confidence to explore their imagination.
  • In Guided Reading lessons, skills are taught explicitly following the One Education Reading Gems to provide the children with strategies to answer questions coherently and confidently. 
  • These skills open the door to reading however, we believe passionately in helping children to develop not only the technical skill of reading, but to instil a love of literature and reading for pleasure. 
  • Children are able to select their own reading for pleasure book from our exciting, extensive, diverse library which each class visits weekly.  Reading is also encouraged with a carefully chosen selection of books and magazines for children to share during break and lunchtimes.
  • The whole school is a reading environment and the value we place on reading can be seen through high-quality, interesting displays, authors quotes and books throughout all classrooms, corridors and communal areas.
  • Studies have shown that reading has a huge impact on wellbeing, self-esteem, ability to cope in difficult situations, empathy and better sleep. 

Please see the documents below for a more detailed outline of our reading curriculum.

 EYFS Intent Reading

Reading Knowledge and Skills Progression Document

Reading Policy

Our Journey So Far

Our most recent cycle of improvement in Writing (2019-2024) has led to positive impact on outcomes as seen in the KS2 progress outcomes for Writing in 2023. Through ongoing monitoring, evaluation and school improvement we have identified further areas of development for Writing and have created a bespoke curriculum alongside experts at One Education for our Writing at Chapel Street from 2024. This was launched whole school in Easter 2024 and will continue to be developed over the next twelve months. We are working to update policies and documentation as well as enhancing our long and medium term planning. Our most updated version of the long term plan has been included on this website.

Pupil voice over the Summer Term has shown children are enjoying Writing and have a clearer understanding of their audience and purpose for each Writing unit. Our specific focus for further improvements in 24/25 will be the quality and impact of proof-reading and editing including handwriting, spelling and oracy.

Our Writing Curriculum

Writing at Chapel Street develops children’s ability to communicate confidently as writers and to write clearly for specific purposes. Writing in the Early Years, builds a strong foundation where pupils' fine and gross motor skills, mark making and phonological awareness in developed.


In Key Stage 1 and 2, writing develops from this foundation to follow a bespoke two-week cycle that centres around a diverse and high-quality range of books, texts, video clips and WAGOLLS (What A Good One Looks Like). These hook children into their focused genre and help them to understand how features are used to develop a clear purpose and audience for the writing. For children to become authors, we believe that they need to think like one and consider the effect that their writing has on their audience, making vocabulary or grammatical choices for effect. By immersing them into texts, we aim to help them find their own authorial voice and an enjoyment for writing, understanding the importance of applying the basics of writing to achieve this goal.

Through our writing cycle, the children practise oracy, develop their reading skills and explicitly learn sequenced and progressive grammar and punctuation skills in the context of the genre they are studying. Through a systematic approach, they build up a bank of content and language before they plan, write, edit and complete their writing. Explicit vocabulary lessons and identified vocabulary on the planning, introduces pupils to new language in the context of the text they are reading and relevant to the subject they are learning about. Where possible, wider curriculum links are made between the pupils’ writing and their foundation subject learning which consolidates and expands on existing knowledge.

Particular attention is paid throughout the school to the formal structures of English: grammatical detail, punctuation and spelling. Retrieval activities consolidate prior learning and these are built up with discrete spelling lessons and focused SPAG lessons that concentrate on applying these within their writing.

Pupils are exposed to a range of fiction and non-fiction genres and each are revisited twice throughout the year. The first time these are more scaffolded; the second is much more independent for most pupils. Each year, a new genre is introduced, allowing them to systematically build upon prior learning.

Handwriting is taught discretely through the PenPals scheme. Spelling is taught through the SCODE scheme and its application into writing is modelled throughout the writing cycle.

All of this supports the children in developing their ideas independently and organising them into producing extended pieces of writing that meets the RAFT of the genre (Reason, Audience, Features and Tone).

Please find below examples from our Long Term Plan and Medium Term Planning, as well as an overview of our whole school plan and the two-week cycle.

Whole School Writing Long Term Plan

Writing Genre Progression

Writing Cycle KS1 and KS2

Handwriting Policy

Spelling Policy

Writing Policy

Some examples of our MTP across the school

Writing MTP Year 1 - Fact File

Writing MTP Year 3 - Character Description

Writing MTP Year 6 - Narrative

In school, oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching students to become more effective speakers and listeners we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them. It is also a route to social mobility, empowering all students, not just some, to find their voice to succeed in school and life. 

Through a high quality oracy education students learn through talk and to talk. This is when they develop and deepen their subject knowledge and understanding through talk in the classroom, which has been planned, designed, modelled, scaffolded and structured to enable them to learn the skills needed to talk effectively.

Oracy is not a programme to be completed one year and gone the next, or an extracurricular endeavour for a select few, but rather an essential facet of an effective, empowering and expansive education. 
