Year 5
Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants
In Year 5, your teachers are:
5A | Miss Faulkner |
5B | Mr Heath |
5C | Miss Ali |
The School Day
8:40am | Doors open |
8:50am | Register |
10:30am | Break |
12:20pm | Lunch |
3:15pm | Home time |
Children may bring a healthy snack to enjoy during their morning breaktime.
5A | Monday and Tuesday |
5B | Tuesday and Friday |
5C | Tuesday and Wednesday |
Autumn 1: Basketball & Swimming
Autumn 2: Handball & Swimming
Spring 1: Tag Rugby & Swimming
Spring 2: OAA & Gymnastics
Summer 1: Athletics & Dance
Summer 2: Cricket & Dodgeball
As we have an Active Uniform at Chapel Street your child does not need to bring a separate PE kit to school.
Children have the opportunity to read and develop a love of books at Chapel Street through daily reading, Just Read sessions and library time as well as across the curriculum.
The Year 5 texts for Just Read are: Show Us Who You Are, The 1000 Year Old Boy and The Extraordinary Colours of Auden Dare
In Year 5, children will enhance their reading skills through our 'Reading Gems' approach, focusing on key strategies such as defining new vocabulary, retrieving key information, making inferences, predicting outcomes, and summarising texts.
It is important that your child brings their reading book into school each day and that children read at home on a daily basis.
Homework is set through the Doodle learning platform:
Children have individual log ins and can access Doodle through a computer, phone or tablet.
It is important that your children access Doodle throughout the week and this will be checked weekly by your class teacher. Children should complete work related to English and Maths to support their learning in class.
Please contact your class teacher if you have any difficulties in accessing your Doodle account.
The following links will take you to our half termly class curriculum overviews. Below these you will find information about what we are learning across the year. You can also find out more on our Curriculum section of the website.
Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2
Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1
Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2
Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1
Additional Information
There will an UKS2 meeting for parents on 9th October 2024.
The Y5 assembly will be on Thursday 3rd October at 9am about harvest.