Year 1
Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants
In Year 1, your teachers are:
1A | Miss Alcock |
1B | Miss Wilson |
1C | Miss Ali |
Your teaching assistants are: Mrs Wos and Mrs Buckley
The School Day
8:40am | Doors open |
8:50am | Register |
9:30am | 1B Break |
9:50am | 1A Break |
10:10am | 1C Break |
11:20am | Lunch |
1:45pm | Afternoon break |
3:15pm | Home time |
1A | Monday and Tuesday |
1B | Tuesday and Wednesday |
1C | Tuesday and Thursday |
As we have an Active Uniform at Chapel Street your child does not need to bring a separate PE kit to school.
Reading and Curriculum
At Chapel Street we pride ourselves on our quality text based curriculum that links all subject areas making learning fun and purposeful for all the children. In the autumn term, the children read Beegu which is about an alien that crash lands on Earth. The children will explore their local surroundings as we use Every House, In Every Street as an inspiration for writing a set of instructions to help one of the characters. In geography we learn about our local area and the four countries that make up the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas.
In the spring term, the children read Lost in the Toy Museum which illustrates how toys have changed throughout recent history. The children also think about how the life of a school aged child has changed within the past 100 years and how developing technology has changed the toys we play with.
In the summer term, the children read Penguin Huddle and Poles Apart where the children learn about the different animals who live in the coldest environments on Earth. However, they will also find that the characters in these stories like to explore the rest of the world and have many adventures! In geography we learn about the seven continents and five oceans and how the weather changes near to the equator.
Throughout the year the children read Tree where we learn about the four seasons and how the weather changes throughout the year in science. We will use this as a reference for nature walks in the school’s Forest School area. We will use this knowledge to write setting descriptions for the different seasons and poems. We will also learn about plants and what they need to grow and the names of common trees and flowers.
We use questioning to help the children learn a text and gain a deeper understanding of the author’s use of language. We encourage each child to become an independent learner who is able to write their own ideas and read their own work to check it makes sense.
In music the children follow a scheme of lessons that allows them to appraise a piece of music, learn news songs, learn about pulse and rhythm and use instruments. Throughout the year the children will use a variety of ICT applications to enhance their learning of the curriculum and learn about the practices and celebrations of different faiths within Religious Education.
Year 1 follow the Little Wandle phonics program. They have daily sessions and also have opportunities to apply and extend their phonic knowledge and skills through the school day. They will complete a phonics test in June. Parents and carers can help at home by reading with their child and practising the sounds in the centre of their reading records.
In Maths, the children follow Power Maths where we use physical resources and pictures to practice and reinforce their understanding of mathematical concepts and they complete maths investigations to bring their learning to life.
There’s so much to discover and learn!
Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2
Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1
Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2
Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1