
Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants

In Reception, your teachers are:

RA Mrs Heathcote & Mr Hoskin
RB Miss Nicholson
RC Mr Sibbit

Your teaching assistants are: Mrs Khalid, Mrs Cheema and Miss Sultana

The School Day
8:40am Doors open
8:50am Register
10:10am Break
11:20am Lunch
1:45pm Afternoon break
3:15pm Home time


Learning in Reception

Upon entry to Reception, your child will be given plenty of opportunities to explore and build relationships. Within their first 6 weeks of attending school, they will complete the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA).

All children will complete the EYFS profile by the end of Reception as part of statutory end of key stage assessment. Staff who work with the children carry out ongoing assessments and observations and use this to fill in the profile and report the outcomes. We have high expectations of our children and support all individuals to reach their potential.

In Reception our learning is developed through topics which are developed through the children’s interests and understanding. With key learning objectives and questions that nurture their language, thinking, reasoning and understanding in all areas.

Children have planned daily sessions of:

Teacher-led learning in Literacy (reading, writing, phonics) and Maths (numbers, numerical patterns and shape)

Independent learning through Literacy and Maths activities providing well-planned opportunities for children to apply and challenge their skills and new learning.

We provide a challenging, stimulating, exciting environment to enable every child to reach their potential and to build strong foundations to continue on their learning journey through school.

Reading Journey

Reading Workshop Phase 1 & 2

Curriculum Newsletter

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1

Little Wandle

Chapel Street follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised programme.

Throughout Nursery and Reception, Phase One provides children with the opportunities to listen to and recreate different sounds with their voices, bodies and musical instruments.  The children learn in a language-rich environment, with many opportunities to listen to and join in with stories, songs and rhymes. 

When the children then begin to learn the letter-sound correspondences in Reception, they should be ready to segment and blend them to read words. They follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised progression, which ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through school.

Phonics Information Sheet: Phase 2 Set 1

Phonics Information Sheet: Phase 2 Set 2

Phonics Information Sheet: Phase 3

To view our Early Years Curriculum Long Term Plan and further information about what your child will be learning and experiencing from the moment they start their Chapel Street journey, please see our EYFS Curriculum page here.

To find out more and to access the Little Wandle Programme Overview, please visit our Early Reading & Phonics page here.

In Reception, we use our core texts as a basis of celebrating reading for pleasure. Children are read to frequently a range of books to develop their confidence and knowledge of books. Each class has a story crate, with props that children can use to act out the story.

  • Develop a love for books, storytelling and sharing stories
  • Develop an appreciation for reading voices
  • Engage in story performances to bring stories to life
  • Talk about the features of a book, the author, illustrator, characters and setting
  • Reflect on books shared in Nursery and authors across Reception i.e. Look up and Clean up
  • Spot known words in text
  • Use phonic knowledge to read decodable words

In Reception, we enjoy playing with numbers and using them throughout our day. We use talk about numbers when ordering our lunch and reviewing 5 frames. Children use number talk to describe what they can see i.e. I can see 2 and 2, that’s 4. During explorers’ time, children are able to use their mathematical skills when constructing, ordering food at a café, printing and investigating maths equipment.

  • Use daily experiences to talk about numbers
  • Use daily experiences to bring numbers to life and give them context
  • Use maths meetings to build a mastery of numbers
  • Explore with construction blocks and mosaics pieces
  • Use marks to represent numbers in play

In Reception, we understand the importance of further developing pupils social communication skills, enhance their vocabulary and build confidence in using language to communicate.

  • Weekly whole class vocabulary sessions, introducing key vocabulary including story language, topic language and mathematical language
  • Use play commentary to extend children’s language within play
  • Using WellComm as an intervention to support rapid progress

In order to meet the needs of all pupils in the Early Years, in Reception, we have our Woodland room, where pupils can attend to work on specific targets linked to communication and interaction and their cognitive skills.  The adaptations to curriculum and plans are held in school.
