
Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants

In Nursery, your teacher is:

NAM Miss Jenkins
NPM Miss Jenkins
NFT Miss Jenkins

Your teaching assistants are: Mrs Tariq and Miss Wall

The Nursery Day
AM session 8:30am - 11:30am
PM session 12:15pm - 3:15pm
Full time session 8:30am - 3:15pm


Learning in Nursery

In Nursery we spend a large amount of our day engaged in play activities these may be adult-led or child-led. This is vitally important as when children are engaged in an interest they are highly motivated and show a desire to learn. Our highly skilled staff are able to assess when to interact with children to provide them with further provocation, encouragement to continue persevering with a task and to develop language. By observing children in their play we know when it is right to interact with the child or children and when to hold back to ensure we don’t interfere with children’s learning and demotivate them.

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1

Parent workshops

Phase One Phonics Workshop

Writing Workshop Workshop

Mathematics Workshop

In Nursery we plan carefully for each stage of reading, ensuring children develop a love of books, have many opportunities to listen to stories, tell their own stories, begin to recognise familiar print around them and start to play with letters and sounds.

  • Develop a love for books and story language
  • Develop a sense of rhythm and musicality
  • Play listening games, silly soup, Georgie’s gym, bears picnic
  • Join in with familiar books using words and actions
  • Differentiate between words and illustrations
  • Begin to recognise familiar print in the environment
  • Use letters and sounds in our play

In Nursery we plan carefully for the different elements of mathematical learning. We hope to develop an enjoyment for number and number sense whilst encouraging the use of mathematical talk. The children will also be able to engage in shape, space and measure work through construction activities, baking and playdough club.

  • Use numbers in our play
  • Begin to count objects, actions and sounds
  • Use the language of quantity
  • Play dice games and recognise the pattern (subitise)
  • Use language involved in shape, space and measure when constructing
  • Begin to recognise numerals
  • Begin to recognise numerals

In Nursery we are dedicated to promoting language and social communication. These are the basics skills required for learning.

  • Ready, steady, go activities that require children to ask for more
  • Offering a choice between two and encouraging a child to orally say one before giving it to them
  • The unexpected – putting a hat on hands, putting a banana in a cup
  • Adults playing alongside and commentating on play
  • Singing nursery rhymes
  • Playing cooperatively and negotiate ideas

In order to meet the needs of all pupils in the Early Years, in Reception, we have our Woodland room, where pupils can attend to work on specific targets linked to communication and interaction and their cognitive skills.  The adaptations to curriculum and plans are held in school.
